Friday 17 May 2013

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an exciting adventure game with both excellent graphics and realistic game play.  With hundreds of quests, dungeons and creatures it is excellent value for money and is the perfect game to get if you want a fun interesting game that will last a long time. With most games, you finish the main quest and there is not much else to do after that. With Skyrim, this is definitely not the case. During the long, interesting main quest, you go from prisoner to famous hero, making both friends and enemies. Also there are four groups you can join (Assassins, Mages, thieves and warriors) each with there own quests and story-lines as well as the many side quests included too.
    With lots of different weapons, amour and impressive, realistic scenery, Skyrim is one of the best games there is and I would strongly recommend it to anyone. I rate it 9.5/10.    
Portal 2
Portal 2 is different from most other video games. The aim, instead of being to shoot enemies or defeat the opposition/enemy in other ways, you have to complete puzzles in order to escape a sinister science laboratory with a sarcastic evil computer as your enemy. The only way to complete each puzzle is using 'The portal gun' which fires two portals. anything that goes through one portal (including yourself) will come out the other one.
    With good graphics and varied interesting puzzles, Portal two is a very good game and I would rate it: 8/10.